Another discussion with the community was held, asking
the question: "Where do we go from here?". The answer was: 'We need a reliable source of potable water for household consumption, maintenance of cows, and the cultivation of basic grains and vegetables'.
In the Fall 2015, twenty-five community wells were reconstructed to provide a reliable water source for approximately 175 families. Old wells were upgraded by deepening them, shoring up the walls and providing protective skirting, new covers and basic water pumps. All materials and labour were sourced locally meaning repairs and maintenance can be done readily.
The funding for this project was provided by a Spanish NGO, SHEAF and the Bridge Street United Church Foundation. The Veracruz community supplied the labour. The picture showing the plaque that is on every well tells the story.
This project is happily complete. Watch the video to see how the pump mechanism works.